Actor Reference


class py_actors.actors.Actor

Generic actor that receives a message and performs the developer-defined on_receive

static call(actor)

Method used by the kernel to define an actor’s workflow


Method to return an actor’s name


Method that defines what an actor should do upon successful completion


Method used by the kernel to set up an actor

classmethod on_receive(message)

Class method that defines what the actor should do with the message it received. This is the actor’s ‘function’


Method that defines what an actor should do when shut down, whether it has completed or not


Method to put a message in an actor’s (FIFO) queue


Method to turn an actor off

Batch Join Actor

class py_actors.actors.BatchJoinActor(key_list)

Special-case actor that receives messages from batch actors and adds them to a list


Method that receives messages and adds them to a results list using Python’s extend

Batch Split Actor

class py_actors.actors.BatchSplitActor(key_list, batch_size=256)

Special-case actor that splits messages into batches that will be processed by worker actors


Method that splits messages into batches for workers until a batch size is reached, at which point the batch will be sent to the worker

Countdown Actor

class py_actors.actors.CountdownActor(count)

Special-case actor that will process a pre-determined amount of messages before shutting down

classmethod do_work(message)

Class method that defines what the actor should do with the message it received


Method that does work on a message and then decrements the actor’s counter

Join Actor

class py_actors.actors.JoinActor(key_list)

Special-case actor that receives messages from actors and adds them to a list


Method that puts messages in a results list

Split Actor

class py_actors.actors.SplitActor(key_list)

Special-case actor that splits messages to be be processed by worker actors


Method that splits messages among worker actors